Their small size and tendency to move at seemingly lightning speed are probably the reasons why children often escape adult supervision. This can be very dangerous, especially if they become fascinated with the mechanism of your garage door system. More often than not, kids fall victim to garage door accidents - minor or major. Since they seem to be unable to discover the world by not touching everything in their way, their little hands could get hurt by the moving door or its parts. Here are some ways to help prevent such accidents and ensure your children are safe around your door system.
No Horsing Around
You shouldn't allow your kids to turn opening and closing your garage door into a game. When you have a new system installed, make sure the wall switch is set up high enough so that it is out of reach of small children. -
Don't Let Them Play With The Remote
It is important to keep the garage door opener remote out the hands of children. They would undoubtedly enjoy pressing the buttons and watching the door move, or try and run underneath it before it closes down. Your job is to keep them safe, so keep the remote controls in a place they cannot reach. -
Minimize Their Access
It might be tiring to keep your mind on little things, especially if you're busy with everyday activities and housework. To keep your children from wandering inside your garage when you're not looking, you need to keep the door between this room and the rest of your house closed and possibly even locked. They should never be able to get inside without your permission. -
Keep It Tidy
The door isn't the only thing inside the garage that can hurt your kids. Most people use this space to store all sorts of things, especially bicycles, gardening tools and other miscellaneous equipment and belongings. Make sure the area is always free from clutter and that any sharp objects are properly cased or kept in boxes where they can't harm anyone. As we mentioned earlier, kids are in the habit of running around, and they are rarely aware of the potential dangers the world has in store.